A Buck 50 and Growing

A launching pad to say anything I ever wanted without repercussion.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Designer Jeans, the Drug of the Future...Present?

First of all the title of this entry reminds me of Time Splitters: Future Present, which is a great game, gotta get that outa the way. It's the only reason I still have an XBox.

But on to the real threat, denim. Denim, specifically in jean form, is scary controlling. Nothing feels better than having a pair of jeans you look really good in. In my case I had a pair of Diesel Zathan 772's than I wore till they died and now there is a hole in my heart.

I've tried replacing them, lavishing myself with expensive pairs of other Diesel jeans, but it is not the same, they changed their manufacturing process and now I can't get my fix.

At close to $180.00 a pop if you lucky, Diesel jeans will tear a hole in wallet as fast as they do your heart when they inevitable die from over wear. Sure you can get them on ebay, at sample sale, or at a whole salers, but they never seem to fit just right unless you shell out all the clams.

I own or have own over 10 pairs and only 1 really did it for me. The others just remind me of how much I miss my Zathan 772's (manufacture pre 2006). As soon as they show up at my door step and disappoint I send them back or sell them on Ebay.

It's like having really good crack and then just slightly worse crack from then on out. It's like your first kiss or first sexual experience, those will always be special, these new jeans they are like sniffing glue compared to the full on crack experience of my first good pair.

What am I to do, I keep buying and selling, selling and buying, hoping one day that magic pair will show up and replace the ones that god took from before their time.

I know you may think it's intervention time. Quick make him wear Lee Dungarees or wranglers till he flushes his system, but that like any withdrawal may kill me. Is that a risk your willing to take, better instead find me some Diesel jeans quick before I snap and shake you down for money to re-up my stash.

In the end sure it may kill me, I may become to addicted and the search may prove so taxing that I finally lose my grip and my brain just turns off. But man if I find that pair, the pair I know is out there, I will die happy with a smile on my face with a crowd of people looking over my dead body saying

"Man he's dead, but those are some nice jeans."


At Thursday, August 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are ridiculous


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