A Buck 50 and Growing

A launching pad to say anything I ever wanted without repercussion.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Snakes..... er Explosive Liquids on a Plane

Holy shit they tried it again, you have to give those crazy Jihadist assholes some credit. If at first you succeed in a horrible and immoral murderous action like 9/11, try try again.

As I am sure you heard, yesterday 21 assholes were caught trying to sneak multiple liquids, to be combined during flight and detonated by I-POD's and other electronic devices, onto planes in their carry on luggage.

Now I know I-POD's are possibly the most dangerous invention every to rape the social landscape, social interaction? Why when I can get Rush Limbaugh on PODCAST, but I never thought they could make their way into terrorists agendas. I mean Al Quada is dangerous, but combined with an I-POD and we are talking world domination.

My I-POD, which just showed up one day and took over my life, speaks to me as I try to sleep, it's terrifying. Now I have to worry about it blowing up liquids sneaked into my bedroom dress in coke cans.

But back to Jihadist assholes, I am not sure how to take this one.

I mean hurray we caught them, seriously, I can't imagine the havoc that could have happened, we're talking an international 9/11 here. Those planes had passengers from all over the world ready to ride them. So its fantastic we got 'em. It also should help bolster more global support of anti-terrorist securities.

But, and as bad as this is going to sound.

It also really puts the ball back in Gun Slinger G.W. Bush's court. This prevented scenario is really going to open another window for somewhat less abated action on the part of the President.

Not that I think it shouldn't, but Bush's track record in said situation has been one of horrible abuse. So I am not really looking forward to that, hopefully congress has learned its lesson on quick momentum filled support.

My friend Pat Ward, who as of August 1st is in basic training, may have been on to something when he opened up the debate of a PR war on Terrorism. This fight is not a fight, terrorism is an ideology of sorts, you can't bomb an ideology. But you can kill one through years and years of carefully crafted public relations and political posturing.

This most recent failure on the part of terrorist's hopefully equates to one bad PR hit globally, and in their recruiting circles.

Luckily terrorism can't fight the PR battle. See when what you're pushing is the death of innocent civilians, people don't tend to buy what your selling. Well not unless your a tobacco company.....

But I'll save that rant for another day.

Till then, a serious thank and good job to the British security forces at Heathrow Airport.


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