My Dad Builds Post Apocalyptic Landscapes
I was heading down Wright road this morning when I decided to make a detour to the ADM job my dad is working on. ADM is the place in Grand Ledge where farmers take their grain to have it weighed and checked for moisture content, then sell it. As I came around the corner to where the facility normally stands I come into a world only scene in baddass Mad Max movies from the 80's (Oh Mel how we all miss your less anti-Semetic days).
In front of me is an amalgamation of metal and sand, a playground for gas pirates and Ausies everywhere. In the middle a giant steel structure shoots to the heaven, flanked by an unfinished metal wall with a crain in the middle, all of it surrounded by dirt and gravel. The only human in sight? My dad. He is sitting on his bulldozer pushing dirt piles into flattened dirt paths to latter be covered in gravel and blacktop.
But for now it looks like Nevada 2078.
It's so awesomely Post Apocalyptic that you mouth should become dry just picturing it. All I wanted was like a classic muscle car missing the doors with guns welded to it, maybe by the A team if I am lucky, and then a few bad guys to kill.
Actually my dad on his great moving metal thrown of destruction could have been the boss. He looks like duke Nukem, has a bulldozer, is friggin huge and dirt covered, plus he has that awesome blown back hair that all good villains have; see Vince McMahon.
It made me sad to leave the future and return to this computer to tell its tale, but I needed some juicy juice to quench my parched throat. I wonder how the world will end up looking like that? All the usual suspects need to be considered. Natural disaster, a nuke, over consumption of natural resources, The election of my dad as President, aliens, extreme sports, MTV, it could be any of them, or maybe all of them.....
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